It is a common notion that items from large online retailers are cheaper than items at an independent, brick-and-mortar store. It’s an understandable thought. Large virtual retailers probably have a huge warehouse, low overhead, and the ability to buy in bulk and extend the savings to the customer, right? Actually, that is not entirely true. Besides having such supportive customers over the years that have enabled us to purchase in larger quantities ourselves; there are also several “hidden” advantages that
Considering adding a new furry member to your family? We chatted with Jessica Bowers, shelter manager for the Humane Society of Manatee County, to learn the tips and tricks for a successful adoption. Here is what she shared with us! Household Harmony When looking to adopt a new pet dog or cat, we always ask if they have other animals, or two-legged kids and their ages, etc. It is essential that everyone is excited to adopt a pet, and that no one
Thanks to a variety of factors, dogs are living longer than ever before. The canine senior years have been extended, and it’s wonderful to enjoy more time with our best furry friends. This shift toward better wellness and longer life also creates different challenges for owners as we try to take steps to keep our senior dogs happy, healthy, and comfortable throughout the golden years. Dietary Changes It is important to discuss with your vet the best dietary options for your senior
The condition that is often referred to as “dandruff” by pet owners, is highly common in dogs and cats. Most often, scaly skin has fairly benign origins and is not a big deal, but excessive cases of scaly skin / dandruff can point to an underlying cause. There are numerous reasons a pet can be experiencing skin issues, so tests must be done to determine the specific cause and the proper treatment. Here are some common causes: Primary or Secondary Infections Infections
Many people aim to start exercising more often at the beginning of the year, but few maintain their New Year’s resolution longer than a couple of weeks. It takes consistency to turn an activity into a habit, so why not get your best furry friend involved to help you stay motivated? Having an exercise partner can dramatically increase your chances of sustaining your goals. Here’s how to get started with your dog on an exercise regimen: Start slowly and build up
It’s a beautiful day — take your dog and head to the closest park for some sunshine and exercise. Studies show that your dog is a great stand-in for an expensive personal trainer, helping you reap the benefits of exercise for both of you. The incentive provided by your enthusiastic dog may be just what you need to get off the couch and out into the spring sunshine. What you’ll need: Collar or Harness and Leash. Most parks require that dogs
A vast amount of behavioral problems in dogs can be traced back to one common enemy: boredom. Dogs that have to spend a lot of time in a crate and don’t get enough exercise or stimulation are often the dogs that end up needing expensive, time consuming sessions at a trainer. Sadly, many dogs in this situation may find themselves in a shelter or rescue. Remember, though they are domesticated, our four-legged friends are still animals. Even dogs of the
Jealousy may seem like an emotion that is unique to humans. But, feeling green with envy may also lend itself to our canine friends. Research indicates that dogs can be quite possessive when it comes to being the focus of their owners’ attention. A recent study from University of California, San Diego, studied the reactions of 36 dogs when their owners focused their attention elsewhere to determine if dogs were capable of being jealous. The study participants ignored their own dogs while